Hanne Norgaard Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Hanne Norgaard name has been in headlines for years. She has a diverse background and a successful career in the beauty industry. As of 2024, she is 47 years old and has a net worth of $2 million. Hanne was born on April 5, 1977.

Her Afro-Asian heritage, with a South Korean mother and unknown father, has shaped her. It led her to live in South Korea, England, and the USA as a child. She started her career as a makeup artist in 2004. She studied at the SC Institute in Washington, DC and graduated with the Highest Honors

Who is Hanne Norgaard?

Hanne Norgaard is someone many people know about. She is famous because she can make anyone look beautiful with makeup. Hanne was born in a place far away and has lived in many different countries like South Korea, England, and the USA.

She went to school to learn how to do makeup perfectly and became really good at it. Hanne also fell in love and got married to a man named Idris Elba, and they had a lovely daughter together. Later, she married Andrew, who is a pastor. Hanne is known for making faces shine and sharing happiness with her work.


Full Name:
Hanne Norgaard
Born Date:
April 5, 1977
47 years old as of 2024
South Korea

Real Name

Hanne Norgaard might sound like a fancy name, but did you know it’s her real name too? Yes, the lady who makes everyone look pretty with makeup has a name that’s as unique as her talent. When she was born, her parents looked at her and said, “Hanne Norgaard,” knowing she was going to be someone special.

Just like in fairy tales, characters have magical names. Hanne’s name fits her well. It’s easy to remember and sounds like a name of a hero from a storybook. So, next time you hear her name, you’ll know it’s not just made up; it’s her real, true name!

Early Life and Education

Hanne Norgaard had a fascinating childhood. She lived in many places. She spent time in South Korea, England, and the USA. Imagine going to school in all those places! She saw many things and met lots of people. Hanne loved colors and drawing since she was very little, just like you might like to do.

When she grew up, she decided she wanted to learn more about making people look pretty with makeup. So, she went to a special school called the SC Institute in Washington, DC. There, she worked very hard and became super good at makeup, finishing at the top of her class.

Parents and siblings.

Hanne Norgaard’s mommy is named Kyue Nam Kim, and she comes from a country called South Korea. But, we don’t know much about her daddy or if she has brothers and sisters. Just like a mystery story where you have to guess the clues!

Maybe she played with friends instead of siblings. Or, perhaps she had adventures with her family that we haven’t heard about yet. Families come in many shapes and sizes. Hanne’s family helped her become the amazing person she is today. They mixed cultures from America and South Korea.


Hanne first married a man named Idris Elba. He’s a famous actor who has been in lots of movies. They met when Hanne was working with makeup. Together, they had a beautiful daughter named Isan. But, after a few years, they decided to be friends instead of husband and wife.

Then, Hanne found love again with a kind man named Andrew L. Friar II. He helps people because he’s a pastor. They got married and even went on a fun trip on a yacht to celebrate. Hanne and Andrew are very happy together.

Hanne Norgaard Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024


Hanne Norgaard has a daughter named Isan, born in 2002. Isan is her only child. She was born when Hanne was married to Idris Elba, a famous actor. Isan is very loved by both her mom and dad. They take good care of her and make sure she is happy.

Isan is special to her mom and dad. They like to spend time together, doing fun things. Isan also likes to travel with her mom and meet new friends. She loves being a mom and always talks about how much joy Isan brings to her life.

Hanne Norgaard physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Hanne Norgaard is a tall lady, standing at 5 feet 7 inches. And her weight is 64kg, which is just perfect for her height. Hanne is like a beautiful tree in the forest, strong and tall. Her body is healthy.

She takes good care of it. She eats yummy fruits and veggies and plays outside. Just imagine her as a tall, bright sunflower in the garden, reaching up to the sky. She shows us that being healthy and taking care of ourselves makes us shine bright and stand tall.

Hanne Norgaard Before Fame

Before Hanne Norgaard became known for making people look beautiful, she was like any other little girl. She lived in different places around the world, like South Korea, England, and the USA. Imagine moving to new places and making new friends all the time!

She always had a big smile and loved to share her colorful world with everyone. Even as a kid, Hanne knew she loved beauty and colors, and she dreamed of making the world more beautiful one day.

Hanne Norgaard Career

Hanne Norgaard started her amazing job by making people look pretty with makeup. She went to a special school to learn how to do this and became one of the best. Hanne worked with famous people, making their faces look nice for movies and big events.

She uses brushes, colors, and a little bit of magic from her talent to change how someone looks. Just like an artist paints a picture, Hanne paints faces. Her job is very important because it helps people feel happy and confident. She has made a name for herself by doing what she loves: making the world more beautiful, one face at a time.

A Look at Hanne Nørgaard’s net worth.

Hanne Norgaard has done a really good job as a makeup artist. She helps people look their best and feels happy about themselves. Because she’s so good at what she does, she has made a lot of money. Hanne’s net worth, which is like a big piggy bank of all the money she has saved, is about $2 million.

That’s like having a mountain of shiny coins and crisp dollar bills! She earned this by painting faces and teaching. Maybe she earned some from secret projects we don’t know about. She’s like a treasure hunter. But, she looks for beauty and collects smiles, not gold.

Hanne Norgaard Famous Reason

Hanne Norgaard is known by many because she used to be married to a very famous actor, Idris Elba. This is one reason why people talk about her. But there’s another big reason too! She is super talented at making people look extra special with makeup. Hanne can take brushes and colors and make someone look like they’re shining.

It’s like she has magic in her hands! She has worked with lots of people, making them look their best for movies and big parties. That’s why Hanne is famous – because she’s really good at what she does and was married to someone famous too.

Hanne Norgaard Nationality and religion.

Hanne Norgaard is a special mix of two countries. Her mom comes from South Korea, which makes her part South Korean. Because she grew up in places like South Korea, England, and the USA, she has a bit of each country in her heart. Imagine if you had favorite toys from different countries. That’s like Hanne with her mix of places she calls home.

Hanne Norgaard Legacy and Impact

Hanne Norgaard has done amazing things with her makeup brushes. She’s like a wizard, turning plain faces into dazzling stars. Because of her, many people smile when they look in the mirror. Hanne teaches us that making others happy can be a superpower.

She shows girls and boys everywhere that with hard work and a lot of heart, you can make your dreams come true. She has helped make the world more beautiful, one face at a time.

Hanne Norgaard Future Plains

Hanne Norgaard dreams of making more people smile with her makeup magic. She plans to teach others how to do makeup so they can spread joy too.

She thinks about creating her own makeup line with colors and tools that make everyone feel like a star. Plus, Hanne hopes to keep painting and maybe have her art in a gallery one day. She believes in making the world a brighter place, one brush stroke at a time.


  • Hanne Norgaard loves to paint. She uses bright colors to make pictures of things she sees and imagines.

  • She enjoys reading books. Stories about magical places and adventures are her favorites.

  • Gardening is another hobby of hers. She likes planting flowers and watching them grow.

  • Cooking new recipes is fun for Hanne. She tries foods from all over the world.

  • Hiking in nature makes her happy. She loves to explore forests and mountains.

  • Listening to music is a big part of her day. She dances and sings along to her favorite songs.

  • Hanne also likes to travel to new places. She learns about different people and their ways of life.

Interesting Facts About Hanne Norgaard

  • Hanne was born in 1977, making her 47 years old now.

  • Her mom comes from South Korea, which makes Hanne part Asian.

  • She grew up in different places like South Korea, England, and the USA.

  • Hanne learned to be really good at makeup in school.

  • She met a famous actor, Idris Elba, and they got married. They have a daughter named Isan.

  • After many years, Hanne married again to a man named Andrew.

  • She likes to travel and has been on a romantic trip on a yacht.

  • Hanne has made a lot of money from her job, about $2 million!


What does Hanne Norgaard do?

Hanne is really good at making people look their best with makeup. She went to school to learn how.

Is Hanne Norgaard married?

Yes, she was married to Idris Elba, and they have a daughter. Now, she is married to Andrew.

How old is Hanne?

Hanne is 47 years old.

Where did Hanne grow up?

Hanne grew up in many places! She lived in South Korea, England, and the USA.

What are Hanne’s favorite things to do?

Hanne loves painting, reading books, gardening, cooking, hiking, listening to music, and traveling.

How much money does Hanne have?

She has about $2 million.

Does Hanne have kids?

Yes, she has a daughter named Isan.


In the end, Hanne Norgaard’s life is like a colorful book filled with interesting stories. From her early days in different countries, Hanne became a talented makeup artist. She also became a loving mom. She has shown us that following your dreams is important.

Hanne’s journey tells us that no matter where we come from, we can all create a beautiful life for ourselves. She’s a true example of living with love, creativity, and kindness.

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