Danny Jones Penniman Bio/Wiki,Age,Height,Career,Family,Net Worth 2024

Danny Jones Penniman is an American rapper, songwriter, and musician. He is best known as the adopted son of rock and roll pioneer Little Richard. Born in 1959, Danny is 65 years old and stands at a height of 5 feet 9 inches.

While he keeps his personal life private, it is secret if he is in a relationship or has been in the past. Danny’s net worth, career, and family background are all intriguing topics that we will explore in this blog post about the talented Danny Jones Penniman.

Who is Danny Jones Penniman?

Danny Jones Penniman is a musician who writes and sings. He is also known for being the adopted son of a famous rock and roll singer named Little Richard. Danny was born in 1959, which makes him 65 years old now.

He likes to keep his life private, so little about who he dates or his family details is known. People like his music and are interested in learning more about him because of his connection to Little Richard and his musical talent.

Full Name Danny Jones Penniman
Profession Musician, Singer, Rapper
Age (As of 2024) 65 Years
Birth Year 1959
Birth Place USA
Gender Male
Nationality American
Education Graduate
Net Worth $700k USD approx

Early life and education

Danny Jones Penniman was born in 1959. He grew up in a family where music was essential. It is because his dad, Little Richard, was a famous singer. Danny learned a lot about music from his dad. As a little boy, he probably listened to rock and roll music.

We only know a little about his school, but Jones possibly liked music classes best. Growing up with a dad like Little Richard, Danny might have started singing and writing songs when he was young. It helped him become the musician he is today.

Danny Jones Penniman’s Real name

Danny Jones Penniman’s real name is the same as we call him: Danny Jones Penniman. When he was adopted by Little Richard, a famous music star, he became part of a big music family. His name is unique because it connects him to his dad,

Little Richard. Like in stories where names have meanings, Danny’s name tells us about his family and his place in music. It’s a name that carries the love and legacy of his dad’s music with him wherever he goes.

Danny Jones Penniman Current Address

Danny Jones Penniman keeps a secret where he lives. He likes to have his own space and keep his home private from everyone. We are still determining where Danny lives because he wants to keep it private.

It is common for some famous people. They choose not to tell others their home address to have a peaceful and quiet life. 

Danny Jones Penniman Nationality

Danny Jones Penniman is from the United States of America. It means he is American. Being American means he was born in a place called the United States. It’s a big country with lots of different people and music.

Danny grew up here, learning a lot about music, especially from his dad, Little Richard, who was very famous. As you and your friends might come from different places, Danny’s story shows he is part of a prominent American family.

Danny Jones Penniman Age, Weight, Height

D Jones Penniman was born in 1959, making him 65 years old. He’s a grown-up. Danny is also pretty tall. Jones stands at 5 feet 9 inches, more than many people. But we need to find out how much he weighs.

It’s okay, though, because sometimes people like to keep some things private. Just like you might have a secret, Danny has his, too. And that’s all right.

Danny Jones Penniman Parents

Danny Jones Penniman has a very famous dad named Little Richard. Little Richard was a superstar in music, singing rock and roll songs that many people loved. He adopted Danny, which means he chose Danny to be his son even though they didn’t share blood.

Little Richard loved Danny, and they shared many happy times. Danny learned a lot about music from him. Danny’s mom’s name is not shared much, so we don’t know about her. But we know Danny’s family greatly loved music because of his dad.

Danny Jones Penniman’s Siblings

Danny Jones Penniman grew up in a unique family. Even though we talk a lot about his dad, Little Richard, and how music filled their home, we don’t hear much about brothers or sisters.

Danny might be an only child in his family, or maybe he has siblings, but they keep it a big secret. Like in stories where some characters go on adventures alone, Danny’s story focuses on him and his journey in music.

Danny Jones Penniman’s Wife/Girlfriend

Danny Jones Penniman likes to keep his life private, so he doesn’t tell people about his things. It includes who he might be dating or if he has a wife or girlfriend.

Some people have secret friends they don’t talk about, and Danny doesn’t share this part of his life with others. So, we need to find out if he has someone special, like a girlfriend or wife. He enjoys keeping these details just to himself.

Danny Jones Penniman Children

Danny Jones Penniman keeps the details about if he has any children very secret. Like some people have hidden treasures, Danny has secrets that he doesn’t share with everyone. He may have kids who play, laugh, or learn music like him. It’s like a mystery that is not solved.

Danny enjoys his privacy, meaning some things about his life are just for him to know. So, the story about Danny’s children is a page that has yet to be written.

Danny Jones Penniman on Wikipedia

Danny Jones Penniman still needs to get his page on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a big website where people can learn about lots of things and people. But only some have their information there.

Since Danny likes to keep his life private, we might not see a page about him there for a while. You might have to look elsewhere if you want to learn about him. Remember, Wikipedia has information about his dad, Little Richard, because he was famous.

Danny Jones Penniman Net worth, Age, Height, Career, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Danny Jones Penniman Ethnicity

Danny Jones Penniman comes from a place with many different kinds of people. His dad, Little Richard, was African American, which means Danny is also African American. His family’s background is part of who he is, just like it is part of you.

In America, people have roots worldwide, making everyone unique. Danny’s ethnicity adds to the beautiful mix of people in the music world and shows how everyone can share their talents, no matter where they come from.

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Presence on Social Media

Danny Jones Penniman likes to keep his life private, including social media. Social media are websites where people share pictures and stories and talk with friends. But Danny chooses to be less active or share much on these websites.

If you try to find him on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, you might see a few posts or pictures from him. Danny enjoys living a quiet life away from lots of attention online.


Danny Jones Penniman loves making music. He writes songs and raps, sharing stories and beats that make people feel happy or think deeply. Because his dad was Little Richard, a very famous musician, Danny learned a lot about music while growing up.

He decided to become a musician, just like his dad, but with his style. Danny works hard to create songs that he hopes will make others love music as much as he does. His career is all about sharing his passion for music with the world.

Danny Jones Penniman’s Net worth

Danny Jones Penniman has earned some money from his music. He writes his songs and performs them. People also know him because of his dad, Little Richard, who was very famous.

But Danny prefers to talk about something other than how much money he has. His net worth is $700k USD approx. He has made this money from his music.


Danny Jones Penniman has big dreams for his future. He wants to keep making music that people enjoy. Danny loves to write and share songs with others, hoping his music can bring happiness and make people think.

He might also perform at more shows, where he can sing and rap for fans. Danny plans to work hard and be creative, always looking for new ideas for his music. Even though he keeps much of his life private, he looks forward to continuing his love for music and sharing it with the world.


  • Danny likes music a lot. He listens and makes his songs.
  • Sometimes, Danny might draw or paint. It’s fun to create art.
  • He enjoys being outside, maybe walking in a park. Trees and birds are remarkable.
  • Danny might read books about adventures or music.
  • Stories are exciting. Playing video games could be fun for him.
  • Games are like little adventures on a screen. Cooking could be a hobby. Making tasty food is fantastic.


1. How old is D Jones Penniman?

Danny is 65 years old. He was born in 1959.

2. Is Danny Jones P tall?

Yes, Danny is tall. He stands at 5 feet 9 inches tall.

3. Does Danny Jones Penniman have brothers or sisters?

It needs to be clarified if Danny has any brothers or sisters. He keeps that private.

4. Who was Danny’s dad?

Danny’s dad was Little Richard, a very famous music singer.

5. Does Danny like to share about his life?

No, Danny likes to keep his life private. He doesn’t share much about it.


Danny Jones Penniman loves to make music, just like his dad, Little Richard. Even though he likes to keep his life a secret, he enjoys sharing his songs with people.

Danny doesn’t talk much about his family or how much money Jones has, but his music tells us much about him. He hopes to keep making music that makes others happy. Danny’s story shows us that being private is okay and that sharing what we love can bring joy to many.

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