Nicoline Yiki Age, Weight, Career, Net Worth, Bio/Wiki, Height, Family

Nicoline Yiki is a talented Russian actress and model who has captivated audiences with her stunning performances and striking beauty. Born on March 11, 1987, Nicoline has made a name for herself in the entertainment industry with her versatile acting skills and charming presence. With a successful career in videos and web scenes, Nicoline has gained a loyal fan following and continues to impress with every project.

Who is Nicoline Yiki?

Nicoline Yiki is someone who acts in movies and dresses up for photos in Russia. She was born on March 11, 1987. This means she has been around for a while, showing her talent in front of cameras and making people smile or feel excited by watching her.

She’s like a star in the sky of the movie world, shining bright for everyone to see. Nicoline didn’t just wake up one day and become famous. She worked very hard, playing different roles and wearing beautiful clothes for pictures. People really enjoy watching her because she knows how to tell stories without even using words, just with her expressions and actions.

Nicoline Yiki Bio/Wiki

Category Details
Full Name Nicoline Yiki (Stage Name)
Birth Date March 11, 1987
Age 37 years old
Nationality Russian
Career Actress and Model
Early Life and Education Grew up in Russia, attended local school, participated in school plays
Real Name Not publicly disclosed
Siblings Private; unknown if she has siblings
Family Parents’ names and professions are private
Spouse or Partner Private; details not publicly known
Children Private; details not publicly known
Wikipedia Presence Not available
Ethnicity Russian
Net Worth Estimated to be significant, exact amount not publicly disclosed
Future Plans Continue acting, explore new roles, potentially create her own projects, travel and learn about different cultures
  • Painting with bright colors
  • Reading fairy tales and adventures
  • Dancing to fun music
  • Cooking and baking
  • Walking in nature
  • Playing with her pet dog


Early life and education

Nicoline Yiki grew up in Russia, a big country with lots of snow and beautiful places. When she was a little girl, just like you, she went to school in her hometown. Nicoline was very curious and loved learning new things. She liked reading books and playing with her friends, and sometimes, she even acted in school plays, pretending to be different characters from stories.

She always knew she wanted to be an actress when she grew up, so she paid close attention in her classes, especially when she learned about stories and how to tell them. Even as a kid, Nicoline worked hard to make her dreams come true.

Nicoline Yiki Real name

Nicoline Yiki’s real name is a secret! You see, in the world where people act in movies and become famous, they often pick a unique name that sounds nice and is easy for everyone to remember. That particular name is called a “stage name.” So, Nicoline Yiki is the name she chose to be known when she was acting or modelling.

Her real name, the one given to her when she was born, might be different, just like how some superheroes have their hero name and their everyday name. But what her birth name is, she keeps just to herself and her family.

Nicoline Yiki Nationality

Nicoline Yiki comes from a vast place called Russia. It’s a country with lots of land, snow, and beautiful cities. She was Russian means she was born there, in Russia. It’s as if you were born in a place with your unique traditions, foods, and holidays; that place is part of who you are.

For Nicoline, Russia is her home, where she first learned to walk, talk, and dream about becoming a star. Just like how you might be from a place you call home, Nicoline calls Russia hers. It’s an essential part of her story, making her the talented person she is today.

Nicoline Yiki Age Weight Height

Nicoline Yiki was born on March 11, 1987. If you count the years from then to now, you’ll find out how old she is. She has a certain number on the scale that tells her weight, and she stands tall at a height that many might look up to or match when they stand next to her.

Just like how everyone has their height, whether they’re tall like a basketball player or not as tall, Nicoline has hers too. And her weight is just a number that changes with how much she eats and exercises, just like it does for you and me.

Nicoline Yiki Age, Weight, Career, Net Worth, Bio/Wiki, Height, Family


Nicoline Yiki’s mom and dad are extraordinary people. Just like your parents, who might cook you breakfast or read you a bedtime story, her parents did a lot for her, too. They helped Nicoline learn how to be kind and work hard for her dreams. Even though we don’t know their names or what they do, it’s easy to see they did a great job raising Nicoline.

Her mom and dad must be very proud of all the things she has done, like acting in movies and being in photos. Every parent hopes to see their child do great things, and Nicoline’s parents are no different. They are an essential part of her story.

Nicoline Yiki Siblings

Nicoline Yiki might have brothers or sisters, just like you might have someone you share toys with or sometimes argue over which TV show to watch. Siblings are like team members in a family game; they grow up together, sharing secrets and having fun.

Nicoline may have siblings, as she keeps her family life private, which means she doesn’t talk much about it to others. If she has siblings, they might play together, help each other, and be there for one another. Just imagine playing in the snow or celebrating birthdays together; that’s what siblings sometimes do.

Nicoline Yiki Husband or Boyfriend

Talking about Nicoline Yiki’s husband or boyfriend is like trying to find a hidden treasure without a map. It’s a mystery because Nicoline keeps her love life very private, just like how some of us keep our secret diary away from others.

She may have a special someone, like a prince from the stories or she is living her adventure solo. Just like in fairy tales, where not every princess talks about her prince, Nicoline doesn’t share much about this part of her life. She likes to keep this chapter of her story to herself, and that’s perfectly okay.


Nicoline Yiki keeps her life with kids like a secret garden. We don’t know if she has little ones who call her mom. In families, children are like tiny suns that make everything bright and happy. If Nicoline has kids, they might play games, laugh, and share hugs with her. Imagine having fun painting or going on adventures to the park with your mom.

That could be what Nicoline and her children do, sharing special moments. But since she likes to keep this part of her life just to herself, we can only guess and hope they are having the best times together, filled with joy and smiles.

Nicoline Yiki on Wikipedia

If you look up Nicoline Yiki on Wikipedia, you might not find her page. Wikipedia is like an extensive online library where you can learn about lots of people, places, and things. But only some have their page there.

Sometimes, the folks at Wikipedia need more information before they make a page about someone. Even though Nicoline is a great actress and model, she might still need to get a page. But that’s okay! You can still find out about her by watching her movies or seeing her photos online. Maybe one day, she’ll have a page filled with stories about her adventures in acting and modelling.

Nicoline Yiki Ethnicity

Nicoline Yiki’s ethnicity tells us about where her family comes from, kind of like a story about her ancestors. Since Nicoline is from Russia, her roots are deeply connected to this large country, which is full of different kinds of people with their unique traditions and ways of celebrating life.

Ethnicity is like a recipe that makes each person unique, mixing where we come from, the language we speak at home, and the traditions we follow. For Nicoline, her Russian background is a big part of what makes her who she is, adding to her beauty and the stories she can tell through her acting and modelling.

Legacy and impacts

Nicoline Yiki has touched many people’s hearts with her acting. She shows us that it’s cool to follow our dreams and work hard. Because of her, many kids and grown-ups feel happy when they watch her movies. She makes us laugh, smile, and sometimes feel a bit sad, but in a good way.

Nicoline teaches us that it’s okay to be different and that everyone has a unique story to tell. By being herself, she helps others feel brave enough to be themselves, too. That’s a big deal! Just by doing what she loves, Nicoline makes the world a bit more fun and enjoyable for everyone.

Presence on social media

Nicoline Yiki likes to share bits of her life online, just like how you might show your friends a cool drawing you made. She uses social media, which are places on the internet where you can post pictures and talk to people. Imagine a big digital playground where Nicoline shares photos from her adventures, funny moments, and, sometimes, what she thinks and feels.

It’s like a photo album that the whole world can see if she lets them. But, she doesn’t share everything, keeping some things just for herself and close friends, kind of like a secret club where only certain people know the secret handshake.


Nicoline Yiki started her journey in front of cameras when she was a little older than you. She began acting in movies and being in photoshoots, like playing dress-up but for her job. Nicoline acts in stories told on screens, big and small, making people feel lots of different emotions, like happiness or surprise.

She’s also modelled, which means she gets her picture taken in fancy clothes or with excellent backgrounds. Nicoline works hard, practicing her lines and making sure she looks just suitable for her roles. She’s like a magician, turning words on a page into real-life characters that we can see and hear.

Nicoline yiki’s Net Worth

Nicoline Yiki has been in lots of movies and has taken many photos. This has helped her earn money, just like when you save your allowance for something unique. Think of a treasure chest; Nicoline’s treasure chest is filled with the money she gets from acting and modelling. People are curious about how much treasure she has.

While we can’t peek into her chest to count every coin, experts guess she has a significant amount, making her quite successful. It’s like having a piggy bank that’s really full because you’ve been saving up for a long time. Nicoline worked hard for her full piggy bank, showing us that following our dreams can lead to our treasure chests.

Future Plans

Nicoline Yiki has dreams as big as the sky. She wants to keep acting in movies and maybe even be in a big film that people all over the world will see. Nicoline also thinks about trying new things, like maybe making her own movies or writing stories that can turn into movies.

She wants to keep making her fans happy and to surprise them with new roles she can play. Nicoline also dreams of travelling to new places, meeting new people, and learning about different cultures to put new ideas into her work. She’s excited about what’s next and hopes to keep doing what she loves for a long time.


  • Nicoline Yiki loves to paint. She uses bright colors to make pictures of flowers, trees, and sometimes even animals.
  • She enjoys reading books, especially fairy tales and adventures that take her to magical places.
  • Nicoline likes to dance. She dances to fun music in her living room, making up her moves.
  • She also likes cooking. Nicoline tries new recipes and makes yummy cakes and cookies.
  • Walking in nature is another hobby. Nicoline walks in parks and loves seeing the birds and the sky.
  • Playing with her pet is fun for her. She has a cute dog that she plays catch with and takes on walks.


How old is Nicoline Yiki?
Nicoline Yiki was born on March 11, 1987. You can count from that year to this one to find out how old she is!

Where is Nicoline Yiki from?
She’s from Russia, a vast place with lots of snow and beautiful cities.

Does Nicoline Yiki have any siblings?
We’re curious if she has brothers or sisters because she likes to keep her family life a secret.

What does Nicoline Yiki like to do for fun?
Nicoline loves to paint, read books, dance to fun music, cook yummy food, walk in nature, and play with her pet dog.

Has Nicoline Yiki acted in movies?
Yes, she has acted in movies and web scenes, making many people happy with her performances.


In our adventure learning about Nicoline Yiki, we’ve travelled through her life, seeing her as a shining star in movies, a beautiful model, and a person full of dreams and kindness. Nicoline shows everyone that if you really want something and work hard, you can make your dreams come true. She teaches us to smile, to be kind, and to chase after what makes us happy, just like she does. Remember, we all have our own stories, just like Nicoline, and we can make them as wonderful as we dream. Let’s keep dreaming big and working hard, and maybe one day, we’ll shine bright like Nicoline Yiki.

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